Tuesday, June 19, 2018

War Psychology


Reasons I chose this topic: 

I've always been fascinated on the psychological standpoint of war. It reverts any human to a primal state of mind, and makes our conscience question our moral and ethics and those around us. While it also creates a brotherhood between solders that is never seen in a normal civilian lifestyle. 

2 essential questions:

during my reading, to gain a better understanding of my topic, I wish to understand 
  • What happens to those during/after war?
  • How and why are bonds between soldiers so strong?
  • What is the soldiers state of mind during combat


For my vocab, I will be looking and maybe even taking a deeper look in some cases, of the vocabulary slang used in the military among soldiers. This can be from slang such as
Oscar-Mike or MSR.


Image result for the things they carriedImage result for on killingCover art