Tuesday, June 19, 2018

War Psychology


Reasons I chose this topic: 

I've always been fascinated on the psychological standpoint of war. It reverts any human to a primal state of mind, and makes our conscience question our moral and ethics and those around us. While it also creates a brotherhood between solders that is never seen in a normal civilian lifestyle. 

2 essential questions:

during my reading, to gain a better understanding of my topic, I wish to understand 
  • What happens to those during/after war?
  • How and why are bonds between soldiers so strong?
  • What is the soldiers state of mind during combat


For my vocab, I will be looking and maybe even taking a deeper look in some cases, of the vocabulary slang used in the military among soldiers. This can be from slang such as
Oscar-Mike or MSR.


Image result for the things they carriedImage result for on killingCover art


  1. Incomplete plan. You need more depth, questions, and a schedule.

  2. Your blog is really engaging and set up nicely!

  3. I really like the background and the whole setup, but you're falling behind on time!

  4. Looks very cool with the background and stuff! Need to go deeper into your plan and get some posts up! Tell us some stories about your summer camp too!

  5. You need to get going with your blogs. There's really no excuse for having none posted today.

  6. I think this is such a good topic because this is a constant struggle with men and women who serve our country and we should understand more about this topic.

  7. I'm also interested in psychology and the way it causes people to make the decisions they do so I can't wait to see what you come up with when talking about about something as dark as war!

  8. I did something similar with PTSD for my History final. I find this topic very interesting.

  9. Great job with the organization and layout of your blog, it caught my eye :) I'm excited to read more about this topic, I'm also interested in this category of psychology
